The first project of JAS Farma®, a company established in September of 1995, was the SAÚDE CM, supplement of health published weekly in the periodical Correio da Manhã, in a uninterrupted way, during three years and a half.
Through some years JAS Farma® offered a Clipping Service Press specialized in Health news that contemplated the generality of the regional press, specialized publications as well as some international headings.
JAS Farma® has also created a regular service called Informação Saúde, through which could diffuse the most varied health news to the national agencies of communication (periodicals, magazines, radios and televisions).
At the same time JAS Farma® edited Boletim Informação Saúde, a monthly service of notices sent to the Regional Press (more than 500 headings), with free use of the articles and pictures.
In March of 1997 JAS Farma® started to distribute Informação SIDA®, the only regular and independent publication in Portugal concerning this thematic.
At the end of 1997 it started to edit the monthly magazine Medicina & Saúde®. Focussed to the great public and available in Press Centres, many copies were also freely distributed in Health Centres and Hospitals all over the country.
Jointly with TSF radio, JAS Farma® was responsible, during two years, for the production of a daily radio health program called Radioscopia. In each program, a health professional answered several questions placed by listeners.
In the end of 1998 Mundo Médico®, a publication basically destined to doctors was launched, and some months later appeared Mundo Médico® Magazine, a social medical magazine.
Under the trade mark Mundo Médico®, multiple Special Editions are published every year, dedicated in exclusive to the most significant national and international medical congresses.
In March of 1999 JAS Farma® edited Exklusiva®, the first magazine dedicated exclusively to the woman’s health, with bimonthly regularity.
At the same time it was announced the creation of the Centro de Informação da Mulher. This initiative had the support of the Health Ministry and its purpose was to inform all the women who requested specific health informations by phone.
Throughout the years JAS Farma® developed several other Information Centres (Menopause, Asthma, Infertility, etc.), in partnership with medical societies and associations, offering free or reduced calls to the information health telephone lines.
JAS Farma® equally developed several public initiatives and campaigns in order to keep people informed on several health questions, namelly with the production and freely distribution of hundreds of thousand of periodicals in places such as shopping centers, supermarkets and train stations.
In 2002 two more magazines, directed to all the pharmaceuticals, started to be published and distributed jointly: Mundo Farmacêutico® and Mundo Farmacêutico® Magazine.
Saúde Pública® is the most recent project oriented to the general public. Launched in March of 2004 this periodical is distributed monthly with Expresso newspaper.